Man guilty of paying woman to bring her 4-year-old daughter to him for sex on multiple occasions

According to affidavits in the cases, [Rama Raj “Sonny”] Erramraju engaged in sexual contact on multiple occasions between June 2015 and August 2016. The reported crimes happened in room 106 at the Covered Bridge Inn in Oneonta where Erramraju lived.

[Amy Floyd] Morgan, the mother to four children, was indicted on two counts of human trafficking, two counts of criminal conspiracy and one count of facilitating the travel of a child for an unlawful sex act. The grand jury did not indict her on enticing a child for immoral purposes and sex abuse of a child under the age of 12. Morgan’s trial is set for early 2020. Her children were removed from her custody.

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Article submitted by: A non ymous