OPINION: The U.S. must take Greenland by force!

A view of the town of Upernavik in western Greenland in July 2015. (Linda Kastrup/AP)

In the Trump era, no moment of tranquility can be taken for granted.

I went to the beach for what I thought would be a quiet August break. I returned to find President Trump plotting to annex Greenland.
On Sunday, Trump confirmed that he would be interested in buying the territory from Denmark and that “we’ll talk to them” about it. “Essentially, it’s a large real estate deal,” Trump explained, reasoning that Denmark might be willing to part with the huge land mass because “they carry it at a great loss.”

The great Danes reacted indignantly. “Greenland is not for sale,” Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen proclaimed on a defensive visit to the island Sunday, calling the idea “an absurd discussion” and saying “I strongly hope that this is not meant seriously.”
Fighting words! There is only one proper response to such intransigence: The United States must take Greenland by force.

Full article at: The washington Post

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