Mike Pence “Shat On The Carpet” in Ireland

Mike Pence’s praise of Brexit leader Boris Johnson caused humiliation to Ireland according to members of the Irish press.  Beginning with complicated travel plans due to the stay at the Trump hotel far away from the meetings, his outright praise of the British prime minister, not to mention that the Irish taoiseach (prime minister) Leo Vradkar is gay — caused embarrassment and backlash by the Irish Times and Irish Examiner.

She described the impact of the Pence visit on Ireland as “like pulling out all the stops for a much-anticipated visitor to your home and thinking it has been a great success until somebody discovers he shat on the new carpet in the spare room, the one you bought specially for him”.

Pence openly urged Ireland to support the UK’s endeavor for sovereignty.

“Let me be clear: the US supports the UK decision to leave the EU in Brexit,” Pence told Varadkar in a prepared statement. “But we also recognise the unique challenges on your northern border. And I can assure you we will continue to encourage the United Kingdom and Ireland to ensure that any Brexit respects the Good Friday agreement.”

Full article at: The Guardian

Article submitted by: PMSwithESP