Free Chat Friday, Week 41

Happy Friday, News Viewers. . . .What a week! (she said, again…..) It’s nearly over, and I just found out it’s been National Newspaper Week all week. While we have a President who’s tried his best to make us believe the press lies and he is the Disciple of Truth, reporters have kept reporting.

Certainly, some reporters are better than others; some publications better than others; some truth driven, some profits driven (because it’s almost impossible to be both). But we know what we know because of a free press, and that press has given to us, the Electorate, an extraordinary amount of material that this administration would happily have kept buried. So Happy National Newspaper Week. . . .

Free Chat Friday, let’s chat…. What’s going on in your world? And what are your Views on the News? Between Syria and Impeachment and China and Twitter, the news cup overflows. . . . . What’s on your mind?