Biden Drops Nine Points; Bernie Leads In New Hampshire Poll

Bernie has a 3% lead over Liz and 6% lead over Joe in New Hampshire. CNN uses false and absurd headlines that show Trump wasn't 100% wrong when he called them "Fake News".

Former Vice President Joe Biden suffered a precipitous drop in the latest New Hampshire poll, falling to the lowest point his campaign has seen this cycle, while Sen. Bernie Sanders recaptured his first-place spot narrowly over Sen. Elizabeth Warren. 

Sanders (I-Vt.) was the first choice of 21 percent of likely Democratic primary voters, followed by Warren (D-Mass.) at 18 percent, Biden at 15 percent and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg at 10 percent, according to the Granite State Poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire and co-sponsored by CNN.


Article submitted by, Avro Arrow.