Ohio Man fighting to wear pasta strainer in driver’s license photo claims religious discrimination

COLUMBUS, Ohio –– Last year an Ohio man, Richard Steve Moser lll, went to several Bureau Of Motor Vehicles in an attempt to get his drivers license photo taken with a pasta strainer on his head.

Moser claims that the pasta strainer is a religious head covering. The American Humanist Association agrees and says the BMV’s actions are discriminatory and unconstitutional.

“The BMV is not at liberty to decide which religions may be afforded this privilege and which religions may not,” the American Humanist Association contends. “To deny any person the right to afford themselves of this accommodation merely because their religion is not sufficiently well-known or understood by the BMV would be a plain violation of the First Amendment.”

“Every other religion, they’re allowed, so why shouldn’t I be?” said Moser, who is a follower of the faith known as a Pastafarian, and practices the satirical religion of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The belief was born in 2005 after a man wrote a letter to the Kansas school board saying that if intelligent design would be taught, so should the idea that a flying spaghetti monster created the Earth.

In 2015 a Massachusetts woman, with the aid of The Lawyers’ Secular Society, prevailed and had her driver’s license photo taken with a pasta strainer.

From the limaohio.com

and WLWT5

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