Actress and climate change activist Jane Fonda gets arrested – every week

Hollywood royalty Jane Fonda has a plan to save the planet and it is quite an unusual one for an 81-year-old: Fonda wants to get arrested every Friday.

Fonda has already been arrested on the last four Fridays and she says she is ready to be arrested “again and again” at least until mid-January, because after that, she is due in Hollywood to work on the next season of her award-winning Netflix series “Grace and Frankie”.

Speaking in a video posted by Greenpeace on Friday, Fonda said “I’ve moved from California to [Washington] DC to engage in Fire Drill Fridays. This is an action every Friday to focus on climate change. We look at a different aspect of climate change every week, and today it is women and climate. Last week, it was oceans and climate.


Every Friday, Fonda puts on her distinctive red coat and gets ready for her Fire Drill. The instructions are to wear something red, carry signs and, if you are planning on risking arrest, to bring a valid, state-issued photo ID along with $50 cash. They add that they will have cash available if a protester cannot cover this.


Source: France 24

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Part-time despot and Dutch mini-pancake connoisseur. Has been known to play a musical instrument or two, much to the chagrin of people and pets around him. Visit me on Mastodon