Trump Says His Economic Policies Made Wives Regain Respect for Their Husbands

'Darling...You Are the Most Incredible Financial Mind'

President Donald Trump has suggested that America’s marriages are benefiting from his economic policies to the extent that people have regained respect for their partners.
Speaking at a rally in Lexington, Kentucky on Monday night, Trump performed his usual rigmarole of lashing out at the Democrats over the ongoing impeachment inquiry, and slamming the “fake news” media, as well as discussing 401k plans as they related to marital bliss.

“Think of this – in the history of our country, it’s never done better,” he said of the economy. “And by the way, that’s not rich, that’s not poor, that’s for everybody. Your 401ks, how you doing? Pretty good right, pretty good.

“People tell me that their wives, their husbands all of a sudden they’ve been running the 401ks for years and they totally lost respect for, let’s say the husband, totally lost respect—now they think he’s a financial genius because he’s up 74 percent. She says: ‘Darling I love you, you are the most incredible, brilliant financial mind.’

Full article at: Newsweek

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