Could Yemen’s Southern Peace Deal Help End the Senseless Carnage?

It remains to be seen if agreement to halt infighting in the south means a broader peace is on the horizon, experts say.

The signing of an agreement between the internationally backed government of Yemen and a UAE-supported southern separatist group marks an important chapter in the multifaceted war in Yemen, but analysts say it is unlikely to bring a merciful end to the conflict.

The peace deal is an attempt to put an end to infighting between President Abd- Rabbu Mansour Hadi‘s government and its rival, the Southern Transitional Council (STC) headed by Aidarous al-Zubaidi.

Al-Zubaidi is the current governor of Aden and has pushed for secession of southern Yemen and the establishment of an independent state, similar to the one that existed before unification in 1990. South Yemen, a Soviet-allied state, existed between 1967-1990.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.