Veteran Scorns Donald Trump Jr. for Comparing His Family’s Suffering to Dying in Battle

'Sacrifice is Only a Word to the Trumps'

Donald Trump Jr. has drawn backlash from military veterans after his new book compared his family’s experience during the run-up to his father’s election to those who died in service of the United States.

Writing in his new book—titled Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us—Trump Jr. detailed a list of grievances his family has suffered since his father decided to run for public office, while saying a “victimhood complex has taken root in the American left.”

In it, the 41-year-old detailed a visit to Arlington National Cemetery the day before his father’s inauguration in which he likened the lost lives of the service members interred there to the financial toll allegedly suffered by his family.

Full article at: Newsweek

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