Benny Gantz indicates unity government with Netanyahu less likely

Blue and White [Israeli party] leader Benny Gantz indicated that a unity government with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is less likely than ever, in remarks he made to the Knesset on Sunday…

“On a moral and ethical level, and on a practical level, you cannot lead a government if and when an indictment is submitted against you,” Gantz said to Netanyahu.

It is unclear when Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit will decide whether to indict Netanyahu and on what counts, though some have estimated it will happen in the coming days.

The exact point at which Netanyahu would have to leave the Prime Minister’s Office in a rotation with Gantz for the premiership is one of the disputes between Likud and Blue and White, which promised not to sit in a coalition with Netanyahu when he is under indictment…

Full article at Jerusalem Post.