State Department Mina Chang appears to have embellished resumé

Deputy assistant secretary in the State Department’s Bureau of Conflict and Stability Operations Mina Chang appears to have embellished her bigly resumé.

According to NBC, “Chang inflated her educational achievements — like claiming, falsely, to be a Harvard grad — and exaggerated the scope of her nonprofit’s work. She even created a a fake Time magazine cover with her face on it .”

Whatever her qualifications, Chang had a key connection in the Trump administration. Brian Bulatao, a top figure in the State Department and longtime friend of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, attended a fundraiser for her nonprofit in Dallas and once donated $5,500 to her charity, according to a former colleague of Chang’s.

Read more from the link above.

From her State Department bio:

Mina is an alumna of the Harvard Business School, a graduate of the United States Army War College National Security Seminar, a Harvard John F. Kennedy Senior Executive in National and International Security and a former International Security Fellow at New America. Ms. Chang has been published in CNN, Fortune, Foreign Policy Journal, Forbes, Defense One and The Hill, writing on issues of policy, humanitarian aid, development, the application of emerging technologies and data science capabilities by the sector and its role in the context of national security and global stability. She has addressed the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, as well as the United Nations, and served as a Fellow with the Center for the Study of Civil-Military Operations at United States Military Academy at West Point, assisting in the development of academic programs tied to humanitarian and disaster response.

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!