Biden camp: Lindsey Graham ‘forfeited his conscience’ over Ukraine

Joe Biden’s campaign has called out his former friend, Lindsey Graham, as “forfeiting his conscience” over his attempts to discredit Biden with State Department records on his Ukraine transactions against corruption.

The broadside against Graham is the campaign’s new angle at counterattack against Trump’s attempt to investigate Biden and his son Hunter. The campaign points out that congressional Republicans had no problem with the Bidens until it was a political issue for Trump.

“Trump is now counting on his Republican enablers in the Senate to bail him out,” Biden spokesman Andrew Bates told POLITICO. “Driven by fear of a mean tweet, they are falling in line, peddling the same disproven lies we’ve heard for months. Lindsey Graham has forfeited his conscience to escape a primary.”

“Lindsey is about to go down in a way that I think he’s going to regret his whole life,” Biden told CNN’s Don Lemon in an interview Friday.

“I say Lindsey, I just — I’m just embarrassed by what you’re doing, for you. I mean, my Lord,” Biden said, when asked what he would say to his old Senate friend.

See more at Politico.