Australia investigates ‘Chinese plot’ to create spy MP

Australia's intelligence agency has said it is investigating reports that China tried to plant a spy in the country's parliament. The news marks the second instance of alleged Chinese espionage in Australia in a week

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said allegations that China tried to place an agent in the country’s parliament were “deeply disturbing and troubling.”

Morrison’s statement on Monday comes after Australian news program “60 Minutes” reported Sunday night that Chinese operatives had offered luxury car dealer Bo “Nick” Zhao 1 million Australian dollars ($679,000/€617,000) to run for office in Melbourne. […]

China’s spy games in Australia?

This latest allegation comes a day after Australian media reported that a man identified as a defected Chinese intelligence operative had provided ASIO with details of China’s political interference operations in Australia, Taiwan and Hong Kong. […]

“This isn’t just cash in a bag, given for favors, this is a state-sponsored attempt to infiltrate our parliament using an Australian citizen and basically run them as an agent of foreign influence in our democratic system,” […]

Full article at Deutsche Welle

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About forkless 304 Articles
Part-time despot and Dutch mini-pancake connoisseur. Has been known to play a musical instrument or two, much to the chagrin of people and pets around him. Visit me on Mastodon