No, Wing Nuts the FBI did not spy on the Trump campaign

This is sure to disappoint the conspiracy minded Trumpstains.

According to The New York Times: The Justice Department’s inspector general found no evidence that the F.B.I. attempted to place undercover agents or informants inside Donald J. Trump’s campaign in 2016 as agents investigated whether his associates conspired with Russia’s election interference operation, people familiar with a draft of the inspector general’s report said.

The Horowitz Report will also show:

However IG Horowitz does criticize the FBI on their handling of the investigation and “errors and omissions when F.B.I. officials applied for the wiretap.”  He also “referred his findings in one instance to prosecutors for potential criminal charges over the alteration of a document in 2017 by a front-line lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, 37, in connection with the wiretap application.”

More information found here in the event the NYT hits a paywall.

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