DHS IG report: Trump Administration lacked the technology to reunite separated kids with their families

The Worst of the Worst of the Worst Administration in modern times.

The internal watchdog for the Department of Homeland Security found that the Trump administration anticipated it would separate 26,000 children if the “zero tolerance” policy of 2018 had been allowed to continue, and that the agency knew it lacked the technology to track and reunite children with their parents.


The new report obtained by NBC also found the following:

  • If not for facing mounds of pressure to stop the inhumane policy of separating families, Trump would have had no problem screwing up the lives of more than 26 thousand kids.
  • He signed an Executive Order stopping the inhumane policy on June 20, 2018.
  • The administration testified under oath to Congress that 2,800 children were separated under this inhumane policy. The actual figures are estimated at 3,014.
  • Before Trump’s inhumane zero tolerance policy went into effect, an additional 1,233 children had potentially been separated from their families.
  • “CBP officials forged ahead with the policy even though they knew ahead of time that the agency lacked the proper technology to track and reunify children with their parents.

DHS did not comment on the report.

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!