Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 45

Happy Friday News Viewers, what a roller coaster of a week! We saw slight indications that MAYBE the Trump machine is winding down its attempts at world domination; 2019 elections saw Democratic wins; the House MORE


Rachel Maddow Show: 11-07-19

Tonight, Rachel reads excerpts from a “forthcoming book “A Warning” by an anonymous author described as “a senior official in the Trump administration,” who depicts dark dysfunction in the White House.” The same author of MORE


Trump Jr. on The View

Don Jr. showed up on “The View” today and defended his father’s hurtful and controversial claims to Meghan McCain, daughter of the late Sen. John McCain. When asked whether he “felt good” about the pain MORE


Kincade Fire is 100 percent contained

After burning through Sonoma County and forcing thousands to flee their homes, Cal Fire reached full containment of the Kincade Fire Wednesday evening.  The wildfire started Oct. 23 near Geyserville and burned 77,758 acres, destroying 374 buildings MORE