Trump’s bigly day at NATO

Trump started off by attacking France and other members of NATO for not paying their ‘fair share.’ Trump will meet with Macron later today.

France is threatening a “strong European riposte” if the Trump administration follows through on a proposal to hit French cheese, Champagne, handbags and other products with tariffs – of up to 100%.

The U.S. Trade Representative proposed the tariffs on $2.4 billion in goods Monday in retaliation for a French tax on global tech giants including Google, Amazon and Facebook.

“I’m not in love with those (tech) companies, but they’re our companies,” Trump said Tuesday ahead of a sure-to-be-tense meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron in London.

The Associated Press:
Listen closely: “If anyone is going to take advantage of American companies, it’s going to us.”

Brexit Borris had asked Trump to stay out of the UK’s upcoming election; Trump said he would but went off about how he’s won many, many elections for U.S. candidates.

Trump quickly deflected a question about Jamal Khashoggi by bringing up Iran. Apparently, Iran has killed thousands and thousands of people for protesting and urged the world to take more notice.

“Iran is killing perhaps thousands and thousands of people right now as we speak, that it why they cut off the internet so people can’t see what is going on,” Trump said during a visit to London for a NATO Summit. 

“Not just small numbers which are bad, big numbers which are really bad, and really big numbers … It is a terrible thing and the world has to be watching.”


And, a blast from Trump’s past: “Little Rocket Man”

When asked in London why North Korea has continued its nuclear program, Trump told reporters that “he definitely likes sending up rockets, doesn’t he,”  referring to Kim.

“That’s why I call him Rocket Man,” Trump said.

He added: “I have confidence in him. I like him, he likes me, we have a good relationship … We’ll see what happens. It may work out, it may not.”

The Hill:
“If I weren’t president, you’d be in a war right now in Asia, and who knows where that leads,” he continued.

North Korea said it was preparing a choice of “Christmas” gifts for President Donald Trump, in the country’s latest effort to pressure the U.S. to offer more concessions in nuclear talks before the new year.

Bloomberg News:

Stay tuned fora recap of Trump’s meeting with Macron .

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