The “Dotard” is Back

A senior member of the North Korean government has revived the descriptor “Dotard” after Trump called Kim Jong Un “Rocket Man” at the NATO summit on Tuesday.

North Korea’s First Vice-Foreign Minister, Choe Son Hui, was quoted by a state news agency as saying they “can not repress displeasure over the utterances made by President Trump inappropriately at the most sensitive time.”

Choe added: “If any language and expressions stoking the atmosphere of confrontation are used once again on purpose at a crucial moment as now, that must really be diagnosed as the relapse of the dotage of a dotard.”

Pak Jong Chon, the chief of staff of the Korean People’s Army, said Wednesday that Kim was “displeased” by what he called “undesirable remarks” about North Korea made by US President Donald Trump on Tuesday in London, where he was attending NATO meetings.

CNN has the full story.