WALMART: North Dakota Man Lights Bible on Fire as a Diversion so He Could Steal From the Store

BISMARCK, N.D. — Andrew Ells is seen on Walmart video from Friday wearing a camouflage balaclava, dark jacket, dark pants with a yellow stripe and a knee brace, the affidavit states. He is seen going behind some boxes in the garden center portion of the store shortly before the fire appears from that area.

The Bismarck man allegedly poured lighter fluid on a Bible and set it on fire Friday at the Walmart in Bismarck, hoping the distraction would allow him to steal items from the store, according to a police affidavit.

  • Ells told police he brought the bible to the store.
  • The fire caused $300,000 worth of damage.
  • Ells had items in a cart he hoped to steal with the distraction.
  • He is charged with felony arson and endangering by fire or explosion.

From Newsweek and The Seattle Times.

About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it