NUTTER WATCH: Alex Jones and InfoWars Ordered to Pay $100K in Court Costs for Sandy Hook Case

Jones and InfoWars are being sued by Neil Heslin, whose six-year-old son was killed in the Newtown, CT shooting. On Dec. 20, Travis County Judge Scott Jenkins granted a motion for sanctions and legal expenses against Jones and InfoWars, ordering them to pay $65,825 for ignoring a court order about providing documents and witnesses.

In another ruling issued that same day in Heslin’s case, Jenkins denied an InfoWars motion to dismiss the case and ordered Jones and InfoWars to pay an additional $34,323.80, for a combined total of $100,148.80 levied against Jones and InfoWars in a single day.

Added to an earlier October order against InfoWars, Jones and his outlet have been ordered to pay $126,023.80 over the case, even before it reaches trial.

Daily Beast

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