The Lounge

Free Chat Friday, Week 39

After watching the hearing yesterday of the House Intelligence Committee for the Acting Director of National Intelligence, who could blame me if I woke up this morning with prison songs on my mind. . . .? Why, you may ask? MORE


Music = Gone Country

A little over two hours long, but sure didn’t seem like it. Just a fun, nostalgic mix of Classic Country and Outlaw music (circa 1973-83) Whether you’re an avid Country Music fan (or not) it’s a memory lane spin – on what was happening in the Country and Nashville music scene, during the time. MORE


Netanyahu to form Israeli government

Israel’s president has tasked Benjamin Netanyahu with forming a coalition government, throwing a lifeline to the incumbent prime minister after an inconclusive election threatened to end his political career. Reuven Rivlin’s offer does not guarantee Netanyahu MORE


House passes SAFE Banking Act.

On Wednesday, the House passed the SAFE Banking Act by 321-103 . The Act “would provide state-legal marijuana businesses with full access to banks and other financial services, as well as allow consumers to use credit- and debit MORE