WV Senate passes resolution calling On Frederick Co., Virginia To Join Mountain State


The resolution’s sponsor, Sen. Charles Trump (R-Morgan), said the idea is rooted in history that predates West Virginia entering the union.

“I learned for the first time during West Virginia’s 150th birthday celebration. As I read through some of the materials from the records — from the convention in 1862 that — there was an expressed invitation to Frederick County,” Trump said. “I confess that before that I didn’t know it — and it’s been in the back of my mind for a number of years.”

The resolution states: “Although the citizens of the counties of Berkeley and Jefferson…voted to join the new state, the citizens of Frederick County have not yet done so.”

Such a recruitment could prevent WV from losing a US HofR seat because of the census.

The resolution

StateSenator CharlesTrump bio

Article submitted by, A Non Ymous.