Michigan State Senator Investigated For Sexual Harrassment

While touring the state capitol with a group of high school boys from his own alma mater, Sen. Peter Lucido (R) of Shelby Township, Michigan, made comments to a 22-year-old female reporter which have ignited an investigation by bi-partisan leaders.

On Tuesday outside the Senate chamber, Lucido was with a group of about 30 high schoolers from De La Salle Collegiate, when approached by Allison Donahue of the Michigan Advance for comment on his membership of a violent, anti-Governor Gretchen Whitmer Facebook group.

“You’ve heard of De La Salle, right?” the Michigan Advance quoted Lucido as asking reporter Allison Donahue, who is 22.

When Donahue said she had not, Lucido said: “It’s an all-boys school,” adding: “You should hang around — you could have a lot of fun with these boys, or they could have a lot of fun with you.”

The students then burst into laughter, the online publication reported.

On Wednesday, bipartisan leaders announced they were investigating the incident. Lucido on Wednesday did not dispute the comments, but said they were being taken out of context and out of proportion.

“I apologize for the misunderstanding yesterday and for offending Allison Donahue,” Lucido said in a statement.

But on Thursday, Lucido had another version, saying that his remarks were quoted inaccurately, and that he intended to invite her onto the floor with the students to learn about good government and have some fun.

De La Salle officials were sorry that the reporter was put in that position.

The reporter said she intended to ask him about his membership of a Facebook group where some members had posted messages advocating violence against Democrats and Muslims.

Lucido is a first-term state senator and attorney who has expressed interest in running for Governor. He chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee and serves as the Senate Majority Whip.

Sources at MLive and Detroit Free Press.