Tomorrow is the end of Trump’s third year. Has he been about what you expected? Better? Worse? What say you?

As Trump heads to his impeachment trial, his third year in office comes to a close.

He has pulled the country out of the Paris Agreement and the Iran nuclear deal also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

Relations with our allies are at a low.

Trump has built on the economy he inherited, and has added trillions to the National debt in the process, while adding jobs at a lower rate than under President Obama. He has weakened the air, water and ground pollution standards to boost the economy.

Trump aides, donors and advisers have been indicted or imprisoned since he promised that he would only hire “the best people.”

Trump still hasn’t released his tax returns that he promised. Meanwhile he’s in court over the emoluments clause, his financial records and the emergency funding of the southern border wall to name three.

If you’re a so called conservative, you’ll like that the Senate has confirmed over 100 judges in 2019 alone, more than one rated as “not qualified” for the job though, by the American Bar Association.

Trump has made over 15,000 lies or misleading statements in his presidency according to The Washington Post. His insecurities are on display almost daily.

Other noteworthy items:

Tax reform that supposedly would supercharge the economy, but likely never will.

Prison reform thanks to Kim Kardashian .

The killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Gen. Qassim Suleimani.

Charlottesville: “very fine people on both sides.”

Family separations and the deaths of migrant children.

The continuing assault on the Affordable Care Act with no replacement plan.

The continuing prostitution of himself to the Evangelicals for their vote.

Business Insider

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