Lev Parnas asks Attorney General Barr to recuse himself from his case

The letter was sent after Parnas spoke publicly about helping Giuliani push Ukraine to investigate Biden.

Deputy FBI Director David Bowdich and Attorney General William Barr at a news conference at the Justice Department in Washington on Jan. 13, 2020, about the shooting in December at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida.Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP – Getty Images

Lev Parnas, the indicted associate of President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, has sent a letter requesting that Attorney General William Barr recuse himself from the investigation of Parnas and appoint a special prosecutor, according to a new court filing.

A copy of the letter, dated Monday, was filed on the docket of the federal campaign finance violation case that New York prosecutors have brought against Parnas.

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