OMB releases trove of Ukraine aid documents to American Oversight

American Oversight, Non-Partisan Oversight Watchdog Releases Ukraine Aid Documents

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky with President Trump during a September meeting. Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images

“The documents were released just before midnight, two minutes before the deadline, after American Oversight made a “request for directives and communications that may relate to any effort to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate one of President Trump’s political opponents as part of an effort to give the president an electoral advantage,” the nonpartisan oversight watchdog said.

“Despite the Trump Administration’s obstruction and the rhetoric at the trial, the public can now see even more evidence of the president’s corrupt scheme as it unfolded in real time. The volume of material released, and the volume of material still secreted away, only highlights how much the administration has withheld from the House, the Senate, and the American public.”

— American Oversight’s executive director Austin Evers 

To see the documents, see this link: And see Axios for the rest of the story HERE: