NUTTER WATCH: ‘Prophetess’ Asks God to Send ‘Warring Angels With Flaming Swords’ to Protect Trump!

“Prophetess” Amanda Grace was on the MC Files program of radical right-wing conspiracy theorist Chris McDonald last night. First, Grace referred to Trump’s religious-right impeachment attorney Jay Sekulow as a “beacon of light on the hill, speaking with wisdom that only comes from Almighty God.”

She then went on to Trump.

“The den of lions will not touch him, for I have marked him and positioned him for such a time as this,” Amanda Grace declared on behalf of God. “I will give him vision and I will expose to him what is being plotted behind closed doors. Revelation will come forth and he will emerge an incredible witness and mouthpiece for my glory. For I, the Lord, have already ruled in the courts, the gavel has dropped.”

“We ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Father God, your army, your angelic army, your warring angels with flaming swords be dispatched, Father God, to shred, destroy, and put down every plot, scheme, contract, assignment, hex, vex, spell, and attempt of the enemy against the president, against those with him, against those praying for him, and against your people,” Grace prayed later in the broadcast. “We ask that you send, Father God, the captain of the army of the Lord of Hosts to lead that team right now—that legal team of the president’s—to lead them to victory and to expose and shine your divine light on what is hidden.”

From Right Wing Watch

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No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it