GUNZ! NC gun owner charged with shooting hole in water tower at Commonwealth Crossing

Aaron Chase Clayton, 21, of 413 Janet Road in Stoneville, has been charged with one count of felony vandalism and one count of reckless handling of a firearm, a misdemeanor, according to a release from the Henry County Sheriff’s Office.

It seems Mr. Clayton decided to shoot the water tower with a high powered rifle causing a one in hole where between 500,000 and 700,000 gallons leaked out. Damages were estimated to be about $11,000.

Investigators interviewed Clayton after learning he had told friends he used a sniper rifle to shoot the water tower, court records show. This was after his first attempt, using a smaller weapon, had failed to penetrate the 3/8-inch-thick plated steel tank, according to a search warrant on file in the Henry County Circuit Court Clerk’s office.

  • He claims he was just trying to be funny and admitted to friends he pulled the trigger.
  • Drones were used to inspect the damage.
  • A water-safe epoxy had to be used on both the inside and outside of the tank.
  • The tank had to be tested and disinfected after the repair.
  • He’s being held in Rockingham County Va. on a $15,000 secured bond awaiting extradition to Henry County NC.

Martinsville Bulletin

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