“It’s Been Front-On, McCarthyite Attacks”: With a Dollop of Self-Pity, Dershowitz Discusses His Impeachment Defense

Alan Dershowitz feels like a punching due to his Trump role and his involvement in the Jeffrey Epstein case which has”ruined his life.”.

Dershowitz with Jeffrey Epstein in 2004.

From the Vanity Fair Article:
This weekend, he’s defended Trump. But first Alan Dershowitz wants to defend himself. The “worst thing” to happen to him, he says, was meeting Jeffrey Epstein, which led to Virginia Giuffre’s accusation of sexual assault—completely false, he maintains—a legal battle with her lawyer David Boies, and near-cancelling in some quarters.

And the threats he’s received lately for defending the president are worse than when he represented O.J. Simpson in the trial of last century. Now, as he prepares to address a jury of senators, the TV-friendly lawyer insists it’ll be a “very serious” and “somber” affair.

“I’ve been totally immersed, which is interesting. I’m doing all this research. I’m doing it in good faith. I’m trying to present the Senate with the best research I can. And in 55 years, I have never experienced lawyers personally attacking me with ad hominem. I remember very vividly 65 years ago in the McCarthy era, I experienced it. Since the McCarthy period, I have never experienced such personal, ad hominem attacks and hostility, questioning my integrity and my motives, saying I’m too old. It’s been front-on, McCarthy-ite attacks by supporters of impeachment.“

See rest of the story here in Vanity Fair: