James Carville is Not Happy With the Democrats

Carville coined the (para-)phrase "It's the Economy, Stupid."

In an interview Tuesday night, Democratic operative James Carville criticized the Democratic party for the handling of the primary process and how former Vice President Joe Biden has hurt the party. Carville said Sen. Elizabeth Warren has the “best bio” of all the candidates but has hurt herself by chasing Bernie Sanders’ “left tail.”

Carville slammed his Democratic party for the “concerning” results calculation in Iowa, saying it is “not going particularly well.” Carville argues polls indicate “enthusiasm among Democrats is not as high as we might like it.” Carville also called on the Party to “wake up” and “talking about relevant things,” and get back to having “strong, diverse” candidates.

Carville on 2020: “There is only one moral imperative in this nation right now and that is to beat Donald Trump. That’s the only moral imperative. It’s the only thing I want to hear. Until we understand that — we win every argument. We win the argument on anything. We don’t win elections because we talk about stuff that is not relevant. We had a great experience in 2018 and the day after we started all this goofy stuff. So, hopefully, we have time to jerk this thing back and be about healthcare, prescription drug prices, education, infrastructure, climate, diplomacy, rejuvenating whatever it is. But this is not happening so far. We can’t act like this is going well. We can’t come out and put three wonderful talking points. These campaigns have got to be more relevant.”

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