Trump ‘Is Not a Racist’ Because the ‘People Who Wash Dishes’ at Mar-a-Lago ‘Love Him,’ Says Ben Carson

Carson gives Trump some side eye

Housing Secretary Ben Carson said because non-white workers at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort “love him,” that proves the president is not a racist.
“He’s a man who is deeply driven by a sense of kindness and compassion,” Carson said. “You know, talking to the people who drive the cars and park the cars at Mar-a-Lago, they love him — the people who wash the dishes — because he’s kind and compassionate.”

Carson made the remarks while introducing Trump on Friday at the Opportunity Now Summit in North Carolina. The president was there to speak about a tax incentives program meant to spur investments in underserved areas, which were designated Opportunity Zones by the 2017 tax cut bill.

From yahoo entertainment!

Ben practices his butt kissing technique

Other Ben Carson quotes of note:

That Time He Said Being Gay is a Choice

“Because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight, and when they come out, they’re gay. So did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that.” Carson to CNN.

That Time He Explained How He Would’ve Subdued the Oregon Shooter

“Not only would I probably not cooperate with him, I would not just stand there and let him shoot me. I would say, ‘Hey, guys, everybody attack him! He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.'” Carson to Fox & Friends.

That Time He Got His Egyptian History Confused

“My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain”. –


And my personal favorite, when he claimed he was at a Popeyes “establishment” during a robbery!

I have had a gun held on me when I was in a Popeyes organization. Guy comes in, put the gun in my ribs. And I just said, ‘I believe that you want the guy behind the counter.”

Baltimore police could not confirm it happened. – Snopes

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