Barr Tells People He Might Resign

GOP Defends Barr

Attorney General Billy Barr has reportedly told some people that he may quit his post over Trump’s tweeting about Department of Justice matters, an administration official told the Associated Press.

The administration official requested anonymity and was not authorized to discuss Billy Barr’s private remarks. A person familiar with the matter said that Barr had been sharing the same thoughts privately with Trump over the past several weeks.

A day after Barr said that Trump’s tweeting was making it impossible to do his job, Trump continued to defy Barr’s suggestion to stop the tweeting, and said it was his “legal right” to intervene in criminal cases.

On Tuesday some GOP leaders released a statement in defense of AG Barr.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy issued a joint statement defending Barr after more than 2,000 DOJ officials called for Barr’s resignation.

See more on this at Axios.