House Democrats request interviews with the prosecutors who quit the Roger Stone case

In a letter to Attorney General Bill Barr sent Friday, House Democrats requested interviews with 15 current and former Justice Department officials as part of an effort to investigate allegations of Trump interference into the DOJ.

  • The four attorneys — Aaron ZelinskyJonathan KravisAdam Jed and Michael Marando — were among the most prominent officials in the letter, which included demands for documents detailing Trump and the White House’s communications with the DOJ. The prosecutor who oversaw the Stone case was also requested.
  • Democrats also requested to interview the lawyer who oversaw the cases of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and the official who Barr selected to review the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
  • In addition, Democrats seek interviews with John Durham, the U.S. attorney who Barr selected to review the FBI’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and Richard Donoghue, who Barr chose to review the Ukraine scandal that lead to Trump’s impeachment.

Democrats are ramping up investigations into allegations that Barr has has intervened with DOJ cases that concern the president.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.