OHIO: Students riot after university’s announcement of temporary closure due to COVID-19

Some University of Dayton Ohio students didn’t take kindly to the university suspending classes and closing on-campus housing. There may also have been element of celebration because classes had been canceled.  

University of Dayton officials said in a statement, “A large disorderly crowd that grew to more than 1,000 people gathered on Lowes Street starting around 11 p.m., throwing objects and bottles in the street and at police, and jumping on cars. Police gave verbal orders to disperse which were ignored. Police initially launched pepper balls, which contain powder with an irritant that disperses quickly, that were unsuccessful in reducing the crowd size. About 2:15 a.m., UD police and additional Dayton police again gave orders to disperse and moved to clear the street, which was effective in dispersing the crowd quickly. At least one person was reportedly injured by a thrown bottle.”



Dayton Daily News

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