Senate’s coronavirus rescue package faces major test on Sunday

Senate holds procedural vote today on aid package.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. | Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Top congressional leaders and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will meet Sunday, as the Senate moves toward a key procedural vote on a massive $1.6 trillion-plus emergency economic package to deal with the coronavirus crisis.

And while Senate Republicans and Democrats say they are close to an agreement, they have yet to announce any deal.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will meet in his office with Mnuchin, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy at 11 a.m.

“I‘ve been speaking to Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, the speaker, and I think we have fundamental understanding,” Mnuchin said on “Fox News Sunday.” “We look forward to wrapping it up today.”

See the rest of the story in Politico here: