Covid-19 Self-Evaluation Tool

Two primary care doctors at medical website STAT are offering an online self-evaluation tool if you think you or someone you know might be infected with Covid-19.

“If you have a cough, fever, or shortness of breath, how can you tell if you’ve got Covid-19, a common cold, the ordinary flu, or a bad case of the worries? Should you get tested? When should you seek medical care —and when should you just stay home?

“Our team at the Gehr Family Center for Health Systems Science and Innovation at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, in partnership with Akido Labs, developed a triage tool to help guide patients. It’s available online for anyone to use. This tool will help most people effectively manage mild and moderate symptoms of Covid-19 at home.”

The source article is also a valuable reference with general advice and tips for self-care at home. The authors note that most people will experience symptoms that are no more serious than a bad cold or a mild flu, and these patients can expect to be better within two weeks.

Also, a test result won’t change medical care because there is no treatment at this time other than the usual recommendations for any cold or flu: drink plenty of liquids, rest, stay home, and try over-the-counter remedies. However, a test result will alert you to be extra careful not to infect others. It will also help patients to monitor their own symptoms and seek medical care promptly if they get worse.

The self-evaluation site is HERE, and a quick guide is also in the article:

Consider calling an expert (e.g., your primary doctor) for guidance if you:Consider seeking urgent medical attention (call 911 if appropriate) if you:
Feel dehydrated or produce little urine even though you are drinking plenty of fluidsExperience shortness of breath (difficulty breathing) at rest or with simple activity
Experience symptoms associated with Covid-19 like cough and fever AND you are over age 60 or have a chronic medical condition like diabetes, heart disease, or lung diseaseHave chest pain
Have symptoms and were in direct contact with someone known to be infected with Covid-19 (you might be a candidate for Covid-19 testing)Become confused or light-headed
Have any other worrisome symptom for which you typically would call 911

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