How to Sew a Face Mask from Household Materials

A tutorial on how to make your own fabric face mask from common household materials.

Guidance on whether to wear a face mask has been evolving. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is currently looking at recommending masks be worn whenever we go out.

“It is still most important to limit trips outside and wash your hands frequently. Civilians should not use medical-grade masks, which are in short supply and must be reserved for health care workers on the front line.

But those who are sick with the new coronavirus can help limit the spread of respiratory droplets by wearing a mask, and that applies to those who are asymptomatic or undiagnosed as well. Plus, some organizations are using fabric masks as a temporary stopgap. The Sewing and Craft Alliance is continuously updating a list of health care facilities that have asked for fabric mask donations.

NYT Coronavirus articles free: For the rest of the story and the complete instructions for masks, see NYT Here