Are Coronavirus Vices Helping Americans Cope?

In order to cope with the mental and emotional stress of the coronavirus pandemic, Americans are turning to more bad habits which may make a long term negative impact on their health.

  • Alcohol sales are up 55% at the end of the week of March 21.
  • Weed sales are soaring where suppliers haven’t been caught flat-footed.
  • Porn consumption is up.
  • Food consumption is up, with many eating more nonperishable items like pasta and canned goods, causing consumers to worry about the “Quarantine 15.”
  • Exercise is down. According to fitness trackers, Americans are moving less and sleeping more.
  • Streaming services are up.
  • Gaming platforms are up.
  • There is some evidence that domestic violence is skyrocketing.
  • Firearms sales are up, showing March as the second busiest month ever. The FBI processed 3.7 million background checks in March.

Whatever your vices are, the bottom line is they may not be healthy, but you’re not dead yet.

Details are at Axios.