Trump Busted For Hosting Daily TV Show Instead of Press Briefing

MSNBC’s Joy Reid and a panel discussed the daily “press briefing” that Trump has hijacked into what he perceives as a hit tv show.

She called out the media for trying to normalize what Trump is doing every day, and for Trump’s timing of the briefings to coincide with local news programming that might show citizens how devastating the virus has been in their own communities.

“What Donald Trump has been able to accomplish with these daily briefings is to get himself back a TV show.,” Reid suggested. “It’s a TV show, a hit TV show, according to him.”

“He loves to talk about the ratings but he is also supplanting people’s traffic and weather together. he’s supplanting the local news so that people aren’t seeing the local deaths, which would be in the ‘A block’ on their local newscast,” she continued. “They’re not seeing the news of the stuff he’s doing wrong, they’re seeing little snippets of him maybe or just watching him, right, and so he comes across to them as more normal.”

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