Uninsured Can Turn to a Stable ACA Market

While the Trump administration won’t tell you about it, there is a stable Affordable Care Act market available to those who are newly uninsured and need it.

The average monthly premium for ACA coverage was down 3% in this year’s enrollment period, compared with 2019, according to a federal report that was released earlier this month but not publicly promoted.

  • That average monthly premium is $595, but the overwhelming majority of enrollees get a subsidy to help cover those costs — and people who have just lost a job could be eligible for those.
  • Some people “could get paid to buy ACA plans” right now because of looming insurance company rebates, according to Duke University health insurance researcher David Anderson.

The Trump administration has been hostile to the ACA, and has refused to open up a special enrollment window for those who may have lost employer sponsored health plans.

See this story at Axios.