Opposition to Trump Motivating Young Voters

More than a quarter of 18- to 29-year-olds are motivated to vote this year because of Trump, and how he has made their lives worse, according to a new Harvard Youth Poll.

The poll finds that 29% of participants found their lives to be worse under Trump’s leadership, 39% say their lives are no different, and 15% say they are better off.

“People vote when it’s personal, when they can see a difference in their lives,” said John Della Volpe, polling director at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics. “I looked at dozens of subgroups, and when I look at the number of people who say ‘better’ and the number of people who say ‘worse,’ in every single case — other than among Republicans — people say that he’s made their life worse, and that’s a big deal.”

The poll also found young voters more likely to vote in 2020 than in 2016. According to the survey, 54% of voters under 30 said they will definitely vote this year: 69% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 31% of independents.

The survey also shows Joe Biden with a wide lead over Trump, 60% to 30% among 18- to 29-year-olds.

“Donald Trump is doing as much to expand the Democratic Party’s base among young people as any Democrat in America,” Della Volpe said.

See more to this story at NPR.