Why are we having so many problems with Covid-19 testing?

Doubling the number of tests conducted from the current 1 million per week, as the White House recommends, is far more complicated than that. In addition to solving the complex global supply chain problems with test and lab materials, it will likely require large purchases of high-speed lab equipment and greater national coordination.

Here’s the latest on why the testing problem isn’t solved yet:

1)  Commercial labs say they need billions of dollars to expand testing;

2)  The supply chain for basic equipment is global — and everyone’s buying;

3)  There are many brands of tests and they aren’t interchangeable;

4)   Fixing one bottleneck often creates another; and

5)  Coordination between hospitals, labs and government officials is lacking.

I can only fit the headings into a submission, the article fleshes them out.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.