Free Chat Friday, Week 17

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Let’s Chat.....

It’s Friday, and Shakespeare says it for us, after yesterday’s briefing, the feeling is gloom and doom in the time of Coronavirus. With a President careening off the rails, our thoughts turn to solutions. What does a country do when it’s held hostage by a lunatic executive of a vicious party? Today, we chat, in November we vote, and in between, we socially distance, we wash our hands, we put one foot in front of the other, help each other in masks, gloves and space between…

Happy Friday, News Viewers, and to paraphrase the words of Dr. Fauci, we can control the way we react to the virus. Absent leadership is nothing new, we’ve been leading ourselves for some time now while putting up with the Noise that is Trump.

So today, we’ll do the same thing, we control what we can control…… Let’s talk, what do you think? What’s happening In your world? What’s happening to the rest of the world?