It's 5:00 Somewhere

It’s 5:00 Somewhere

Welcome to cocktail hour with your News Views friends, where any Friday is Good, but today it’s offically “Good Friday!” Let’s celebrate what was actually good about this week, no matter how long it takes MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 15

I THINK it’s Friday, right? 🤔🤔 It could be Tuesday for all I know; the days begin to look alike—- Wake up; follow the cats’ orders, (usually involving food); complete daily power-walk up and down MORE

Live Discussions

The Coronavirus Warriors press briefing: 4-9-20

Join News Views for a Live Discussion on ‘The Soup Line President’ Trump, Pastor Pence, Scarf Lady, and the real Coronavirus Warrior, Dr. Fauci’s press briefing. More than likely, the Warriors will begin their briefing late as usual but allegedly, they MORE