Free Chat Friday, Week 18

🎶🎶“Everybody’s chatting at me, I can’t hear a word they’re sayin’....”🎶🎶

Another Friday rolls around and we’re motoring through the Pandemic that has become every day normal for us. Slowly but surely, we find ourselves beginning to talk about a few non-pandemic subjects as it begins to become either commonplace or starting to wane. (Who knows which really?)

Wherever our convo goes, it is a good idea to remember what we’ve experienced so far…… on Jan. 31, the world had experienced 259 deaths from a never before seen strain of COVID 19; on Feb. 29, that grew to 2977 deaths; March 31, 44,043, and April 30, 233,830. That’s deaths, not numbers of the infected.

Meanwhile, how are things in your neck of the woods? You know, along the same lines as the old joke: “Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play? “ (Twisted humor—a News Views specialty…. 😁🤟

So watcha got? Let’s chat. Anything goes and TGIF. . .