Gov. Abbott, Texas attorney general champion salon owner jailed over COVID-19 restrictions

Leading Texas Republicans on Wednesday condemned the jailing of a Dallas salon owner who gained national attention for openly defying the governor’s stay-at-home order.

The owner, Shelley Luther, was sentenced to a week in jail and fined $7,000 on Tuesday under the ruling from Judge Eric Moye. Luther had refused to comply with a cease and desist order — publicly ripping it up — and quickly became a champion among conservatives who have been agitating for a faster statewide reopening amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“I find it outrageous and out of touch that during this national pandemic, a judge, in a county that actually released hardened criminals for fear of contracting COVID-19, would jail a mother for operating her hair salon in an attempt to put food on her family’s table,” Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement Wednesday.

Full story at MSN

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