Colorado: Restaurant illegally reopens with no social distancing and hundreds of customers

For the owners of the breakfast cafe, it was a way to both celebrate Mother’s Day and defy the governor.

The armed bouncer appeared friendly, welcoming a local reporter inside C & C Coffee and Kitchen in Castle Rock, Colo., to take video footage of the remarkable scene unfolding inside.

In the restaurant on Sunday morning, in defiance of Democratic Gov. Jared Polis’s executive Safer at Home order, every table was nearly full, according to the footage from Colorado Community Media reporter Nick Puckett. Customers crowded around the counter waiting for their orders. The line to place them went out the door, wrapping around the side of the building.

Almost no one was wearing a face mask. Only a single person among the dozens in Puckett’s footage can be seen wearing one.

“We are standing for America, small businesses, the Constitution and against the overreach of our governor in Colorado!!” C & C Coffee & Kitchen wrote on its Twitter account, tagging President Trump.


Article submitted by, dewater.