Sweden’s Covid-19 strategy has caused an ‘amplification of the epidemic’

Sweden is famously one of the few countries to have opted against a lockdown to contain the spread of the coronavirus. But given that the country has a much higher death toll per million than its Nordic neighbours, many observers have suggested that the Swedish approach has failed.

While countries across the world have eased Covid-19 lockdowns over recent weeks, Sweden stands out […] As billions hunkered down […] Swedish bars, restaurants, hairdressers, gyms and even primary and middle schools stayed open.

There have been some exceptions. […] Swedes have been asked to stay at home if they are over 70 or are feeling unwell. Social distancing has been requested in public places. And on Thursday, the government urged Swedes to avoid unnecessary international travel and to limit car journeys within the country to two hours. […]

‘People who think they can’t die’

In making the case for its unorthodox policy, Stockholm has pointed to high levels of trust in Swedish society, arguing that people could be expected to take precautions without being told to. […]

‘They didn’t have time to take care of my mother’

Many Swedish experts have lambasted the government’s response to the pandemic. […]

‘Politicians are not taking visible responsibility

The Swedish government has said that its policies are effectively decided by scientific officials […]


Article submitted by, µthos.