Opinion: George Floyd killing opens racism wounds for European blacks

"There's no relief for me that I live in Germany," writes DW's Chiponda Chimbelu, as he reflects on the European reaction to the killing of George Floyd. It's a moment for Europe to reflect on its own racism, he adds.

The killing of George Floyd is probably the only time several friends and acquaintances have written me about a racist killing. […] One message especially stuck out.

“Are you actually happy not to live in the USA at the moment?” a German friend wrote on WhatsApp. “The recent events are unfortunately very sad,” he added.

It took me about a whole day to respond.

There’s no relief for me that I live in Germany. […] black men and women have been murdered and killed, in the US and Europe, even by the police, just because they are black. For us, George Floyd’s killing is a reminder that racist violence sometimes results in death.

Anti-black racism pervasive in the West

The protests across US cities, and now even in some European capitals, are really about the frustration and desperation that blacks feel in the face of institutional and structural racism. We shouldn’t kid ourselves into thinking this is solely an American problem. […]

Europe must recognize its everyday racism

For me, my friend’s message […] was clearly dismissive of the everyday racism in this country. […]


Article submitted by, µthos.